Sherrill S. Cannon's Shelfari

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Santa's Birthday Gift - Sherrill Cannon's Bio

I am a mother of four and a grandmother of nine. I have been writing poetry since before I could write! (My mother wrote down the poetry I wrote as a four-year-old.) I have written seven other rhymed children’s stories, as well as eight rhymed musical plays for elementary school children (which have been performed in the Philadelphia PA area.) I love to write. My friends and family ask me if I think in rhyme and meter, and I have to admit that sometimes this is true!
I grew up in the Willard Hotel in Washington DC (my Dad was the manager), was married and lived in Northern Virginia for twenty years where my husband and I raised our four children. We later moved to the Philadelphia PA suburbs where we lived for fourteen years before moving to the Binghamton NY area where we have lived for fifteen years. We will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary next June! We are now retired, and we travel in our RV from the east coast to the west coast each year to spend time with our children and grandchildren. I have had a varied career. I was a physical education teacher and coach for ten years in the Washington DC area, then became a professional newspaper sports photographer and columnist for several years when our boys were playing competitive soccer. When our girls became interested in theater, I became a Dinner Theatre Company Stage Manager (as well as lighting and sound technician) and also was an Assistant Talent Manager for Cathy Parker Talent when our youngest daughter was doing commercials and professional modeling in NYC. When we were relocated to the Binghamton NY area, I became the Business Administrator for a software development company specializing in simulation, handling office duties as well as payroll and contracts. Now I have time to write, and recently each year corroborate with my daughter on a new rhymed musical for her first grade class.

Most of my books try to teach something, like good manners and caring for others. This story was an attempt to include Santa in the meaning of Christmas. I would love to be able to share my books with others. When I finished writing "Santa’s Birthday Gift", I was thrilled and humbled, for I felt that God inspired me to write it. (The story is best for ages 3-10, to be read to children who still believe in Santa!)

Short Review: The editor who critiqued this book for WL Writers Agency wrote: “What a cute story! I know there are many stories about how Santa came into the picture, but this is a delightful idea behind the gifts at Christmas.”

My next rhymed children’s book, "Peter and the Whimper-Whineys" is now with my agent at WL Children’s Literary Agency. Peter is a small rabbit who does nothing but whine. His mother warns him that if he keeps on whining and crying, he’ll have to go live with the Whimper-Whineys. His nocturnal adventures convince him his mother was right! If only he can get back home…

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 & selling "Santa's Birthday Gift"

The link for purchasing Santa's Birthday Gift by Sherrill S. Cannon is now live! Enjoy!!
This is a sample page from the book... and barnes& are now selling Santa's Birthday Gift, offering free shipping for orders over $25. The previous publisher's link is also active as well:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Santa's Birthday Gift

If your child or grandchild has ever wondered where Santa fits in with the traditional Christmas story, now you can read them, Santa’s Birthday Gift. Finally, a book that ties two holiday traditions into one inspirational tale of wonder – as Santa brings gifts to baby Jesus. The cleverly-written, rhyming book reveals Santa’s adventure from toymaker to star follower -- right into the heart of Bethlehem where he meets Baby Jesus in the manger. Delivering toys to a king is a touching experience for both Santa and readers alike, as they discover where the tradition began -- Santa makes a promise to Jesus to bring gifts to good boys and girls each year on Jesus’ birthday.
This delightful story is engaging and delivers meaningful lessons using recognizable nativity characters, and of course, Santa and Jesus.

Author Sherrill S. Cannon says her inspiration for this book came from her granddaughter who, after hearing the Christmas story, asked, “But where’s Santa?” Cannon has been weaving stories and poems even before she could write. She enjoys the creative process and says her goal in each book is to teach good manners, as well as caring for others. Her background is in physical education, sports photography and she also had a column in a newspaper. Cannon is already working on several new children’s books.